Monday, February 15, 2010

Walter Cronkite, roll over.

The disinformation & denial about climate science promoted by so-called science journalists these days is unconscionable for a free society.

Walter Cronkite, roll over.
"Like so many of our problems today," he says, "it all starts with education. We need to teach [children] how to read a newspaper, how to listen to radio, how to watch television, how to understand a film, so that they become properly skeptical. If a public understands the limitations of television, the limitations of print, deadline pressures, all the rest of the things that go into the making of a newspaper or broadcast, then that public will be far less likely to fall into a demagogue's trap when the demagogue attacks the press for its unfairness." And That's the Way It Is
Of course, Walter probably never counted on anti-science demagogues, within his lifetime, if not shortly thereafter, gaining control over so many news outlets in English-speaking America, Britain, & Australia, if not Texas. But that's ExxonMobil money, for ya.

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